Benefitting the Writers Helping Writer scholarship fund at the Solstice Low-Residency MFA in Creative Writing Program
Contributors/2020 Volume 1
Gaby Bedetti’s recent poems have appeared in Still: The Journal, North Dakota Quarterly, and Gravel. She is working on a collection of poems with the support of an Artistic Enrichment Grant from the Kentucky Foundation for Women. At Eastern Kentucky University, she teaches Comedy as an Artistic Approach, which culminates in a public performance.
Steven Dale Davison has published poems in a number of journals. He also has written plays in both verse and prose, fiction, and nonfiction, some of it produced or published. He writes for the ears, the bodies of his readers, answering the call of the muse-ic of poetry’s promise.David Daniel has published stories in International Journal of Flash Fiction, Zombie Logic Review, Visitant, Deadly Writers Patrol, The Vermont Literary Review, and 101 Words. Among his books are novels The Marble Kite, White Rabbit, and Reunion, and three collections of short fiction. He teaches at UMass Lowell.Helen Hokanson is a Reference Librarian at a busy public library in the Kansas City suburbs. She works closely with Writers in her community and in keeping their company, inspiration occasionally rubs off and she jots down a line or two. She lives in Overland Park, KS with her heart dog Max, and the best cat alive, Kramer. And the other best cat alive, Catherine. She longs to be reunited with her chickens, who currently live with her son in Kansas City, KS, where they are not pampered to her specifications.Recently retired after thirty years of teaching at Western Wyoming College, poet and essayist Rick Kempa has embarked on a path of full-time writing and walking. Too Vast for Sleep, his third poetry collection, is forthcoming in 2020 from Littoral Press. He is the founding editor of Deep Wild Journal. www.rickkempa.comGloria Keeley is a graduate of San Francisco State University with a BA and MA in Creative Writing. She collects old records and magazines. Her work has appeared in Slipstream, The Emerson Review, Spoon River Poetry Review and other journals.
Winner of America Magazine’s 2019 Foley Poetry Prize and Professor of English and Creative Writing at Lock Haven University, Marjorie Maddox has published 11 collections of poetry—including Transplant, Transport, Transubstantiation (Yellowglen Prize); True, False, None of the Above (Illumination Book Award Medalist); Local News from Someplace Else;Perpendicular As I(Sandstone Book Award)—the short story collection What She Was Saying (Fomite); four children’s books; Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets on Pennsylvania (co-editor); Presence (assistant editor); and 550+ stories, essays, and poems in journals and anthologies.
Jenny McBride’s writing has appeared in SLAB, Common Ground Review, Star 82 Review, The California Quarterly, and other publications. She makes her home in the rainforest of southeast Alaska.
Robert Moulthrop is a playwright and fiction writer. In 2016, Enchanted Lion Books published his 2017 ALA Batchelder Award-winning translation of the critically acclaimed Danish children’s picture book “Cry, Heart, But Never Break” by Glenn Ringtved and Charlotte Pardi.His plays have won awards for writing and performance over three years at the New York International Fringe Festival, received festival production by Gallery Players and NYU, and have received developmental readings with Urban Stages Theatre, Abingdon Theatre Company, Active Theatre, Northern Stage, NJ Rep, Orlando Shakespeare Festival, and Indianapolis’s Phoenix Theatre.Robert’s short fiction has been published in journals and publications including Tahoma Literary Review, Reed, Berkeley Fiction Review, Confrontation, and awarded prizes by Helen Magazine, Literal Latte and others. He has received a grant from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts for prose fiction. Robert lives and works in New York City.
Carl “Papa” Palmer of Old Mill Road in Ridgeway, Virginia, lives in University Place, Washington. He is retired from the military and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) enjoying life as “Papa” to his grand descendants and being a Franciscan Hospice volunteer. Carl is a Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net and Micro Award nominee. MOTTO: Long Weekends Forever!
Mary C. Rowin’s poetry and reviews have appeared in publications such as Burningword and Red Coyote Literary Journals and Portage Magazine. Recent awards include poetry prizes from The Nebraska Writers Guild, and Journal from the Heartland. A microchap, “What She Kept,” was published by Origami Poems Project. Mary’s poem“Centering,” Winter 2018 issue of Blue Heron Review, was nominated for the Push Cart Anthology. Mary lives with her husband in Middleton, Wisconsin.
Marian Kaplun Shapiro, a previous contributor, is the author of a professional book, Second Childhood (Norton, 1988), a poetry book, Players In The Dream, Dreamers In The Play (Plain View Press, 2007) and two chapbooks: Your Third Wish, (Finishing Line, 2007); and The End Of The World, Announced On Wednesday (Pudding House, 2007). A Quaker and a psychologist, her poetry often embeds the topics of peace and violence by addressing one within the context of the other. A resident of Lexington, she is a five-time Senior Poet Laureate of Massachusetts. She was nominated for the Pushcart Prize in 2012. Charles Venable, a storyteller from the Southeastern United States with a love of nature and a passion for writing. He believes stories and poems are about getting there, not being there, and he enjoys those tales that take their time getting to the point.